About Us.
Here is a little about us to help you to get to know our community of faith. We would love to meet you.
Quayle United Methodist Church
Mission Statement
Answering God’s call to Discipleship and Servant Ministry, Quayle United Methodist Church is a community of Christian Disciples committed to advancing Christ’s purposes in the world.
Worship Experiences.
Weekly Worship: Sundays @ 10:00 am
Plugged-In Worship:
4th Sundays @ 12:34pm
Quayle United Methodist Church owes her origin to a small group of spiritually-minded people with a missionary zeal and a sense of civic pride that became the nucleus of a newly organized Methodist Church in 1890, on a site at the corner of 4th and Robinson streets, in Oklahoma City. Prior to 1901, the group met as a prayer brand on a site at 320 East Grand Street. It was formally organized by Reverend A. G. Murry and Reverend Towns. The first few years of this young Church were trying ones indeed, as she struggled to survive insurmountable hardships and financial besetments. Quayle’s first Church edifice was a frame structure located on the corner of Second and Lindsay streets. The first cornerstone for Quayle was laid in 1903. In 1908 the church was named Quayle after Bishop William Alfred Quayle who gave the first donation toward the down payment on a permanent building. The membership outgrew the small frame church and faced the need for a larger and more adequate facility, thus plans were made to construct a brick church on the same site to replace the frame structure. This church became a beacon of light in the Community where many religious and cultural activities were held. As time passed, many improvements were made on the church and in the sanctuary: Pews were added; beautiful art-stained glass windows were donated by individual members; a new organ and piano were purchased and many other improvements were made. Quayle Church served as the first home of Bethlehem Center from 1945- 1952. Bethlehem Center is the forerunner to Neighborhood Services Organization which continues to provide medical and social services to the Oklahoma City community In the early 60’s, Quayle expanded its facilities to play a more effective role in helping to meet the needs of a growing Church Family and community. We moved from 309 N. Lindsay. The new church site, located at 2801 N. Missouri, held its first worship service Sunday, July 8, 1962. The next move for Quayle came on June 15, 1980 when the congregation moved from Missouri to 5001 N. Everest, our present location. A new Sanctuary was completed in 1997. Embarking on a 3-year Lifestyle Stewardship Capitol Campaign in April of 2013, Quayle completed Phrase 1 of the campaign by updating the Sanctuary and burning the mortgage on September 27, 2013. Phase 2 was completed in 2023 by the remodel of the Fellowship Hall. As Quayle celebrates its 134th Anniversary in this Lord’s Year of 2024, the movement to renovate the Education wing is the next phase. Over the last 134 years, Quayle has been a place of worship, a champion of civil rights, supportive of youth and children, and a community partner. We pray that the church will continue to serve the members, the community (local and throughout the world), as it continues in its role of making disciples that transform the world for our Lord and Savior—JESUS CHRIST!
Meet Our Pastor.
Elvyn L. Hamilton

A native of Winona, Mississippi, has been a United Methodist minister since 1994. He has served majority culture congregations, predominantly African-American churches and multi-ethnic churches. With a heart for church development, he has facilitated three church plants and planted another one.
He also enjoys financial stewardship and has served on the General Council on Finance and Administration for the denomination. Serving on numerous conference boards and agencies, Dr. Hamilton’s ministry has spanned across Kentucky, Alabama and now Oklahoma.
Elvyn holds degrees from the University of West Alabama in mathematics with a minor in music (low brass), Asbury Theological Seminary (Master of Divinity) and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Emory University (Candler School of Theology). His dissertation was entitled “The Racial Wealth Gap: Black Church Strategies for Community Economic Empowerment”. Pastor Elvyn enjoys traveling, real estate investing and sports. He is married to the Rev. Dr. Bessie Hamilton and they have two daughters Makaria and Manda.
Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary
Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary is served and supported by Quayle by providing Thanksgiving pies for the staff, reading and academic support for the students and leading teacher appreciation activities. Quayle also serves as a drop-off site in case of school emergencies.
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Langston University Wesley Foundation
Langston University Wesley Foundation is a campus ministry of which Quayle serves as the host church. We provide board members and volunteers for the numerous activities of this ministry on the college campus.
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Urban Ministry
Skyline Urban ministry works in partnership with Quayle to provide food products to sustain the northeast Oklahoma City community during Quayle’s weekly food giveaway.
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The Green Project Urban Garden
Oklahoma State Extension Master Gardner's and East side Fresh Market Programs
Oklahoma County Conservation District
Fertile Ground compost
Restore OKC - Restore Farms
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